Tor Pingree - Our Parliamentary Candidate

What I Stand for:

The NHS, Schools and Railways belong in public hands, safeguarding the well-being of our citizens rather than the profits of a few.

Affordable Green Energy Solutions should be at the forefront of everything we do. We need to take climate change seriously.

A resilient and profitable local economy means supporting our local businesses, encouraging the city’s growth and building a foundation that can weather economic challenges.

Voting reform will enable every voice to be heard. A system where voters rank their preferences will lead to a more accurate representation of the electorate.

Why I am the right person for the job:

Born and raised in Worcester, this city is more than just my home. I am passionate about my local community and believe in representing its values.

A young and dedicated MP is needed in Worcester to create a more balanced and inclusive Houses of Parliament.

I will work hard for Worcester and I am a winner.  In May 2023 I become one of the youngest councillors to ever win a Worcester City Council seat defeating the sitting Conservative leader.

Why I can win

12 Greens on the city council. In the most recent election we increased our number of Green councillors from 11 to 12, showing we are the party with momentum in Worcester.

We won the popular vote across the city in the most recent election. Meaning that across every ward we had the most actual votes.

Record gains across the county were made in the last local elections. Overall, the Greens gained more than 250 seats across the county.

Tor Pingree, “Former Labour, Lib Dems and Conservative voters are increasingly waking up to what the Green Party is saying on climate change, biodiversity loss, our place in Europe, public services and building a stronger more resilient economy. If you agree with our values please take no second best, please vote for me and make Worcester a fairer and greener place to live.”