Worcester bike bus founder on most inspirational list

A woman who runs a “bike bus” for dozens of people has been named among the UK’s 100 most inspirational women in cycling for this year.

Katie Collier, 38, from Worcester, set up the weekly rides in which up to 40 families go to school together.

She only picked up cycling again in lockdown, but has appeared on the 2023 list by charity Cycling UK.

Another Worcester woman named, Georgina Tucker, 42, set up the Cycle Sistas group in the city for women’s rides.

Ms Collier had not been much of a cyclist since she was a child, but started the activity again when she needed a way to get to work in London.

A move to Worcester followed and she told BBC Hereford & Worcester she “decided to sell a car and invest in a cargo bike” – a large one people could put children in.

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