Alex Mace: City councillor for St Stephen Ward

Alex Mace - Claines Ward

I have lived in St Stephen for 10 years with Katie and our two children, Henry and Laurie. I was elected to represent my home ward of St Stephen in 2024. I am also Chief Technology Officer of a small software company providing solutions to pubs and restaurants.

My priorities are helping Worcester reach its target of being carbon neutral by 2030, increasing the number of people choosing to walk and cycle to get around. I also want to see local biodiversity restored an improved. I lead the St Barnabas Primary Bike Bus and campaign for safer streets around schools. As co-chair of the Worcester Canal Group, I take part in regular litter picks in the area.


  • Policy & Resources Committee
  • Communities Committee
  • Audit & Governance Committee

Other appointments / Outside bodies

  • Worcester Canal Group (Co-chair)
  • Worcester Crematorium and Cemeteries Forum

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