For the price of a cup of coffee, you could become a Friend of Worcester Green Party
Our movement is growing. We need as many people on board as possible to change the nature of politics. We are inviting everyone to become a Green Friend, because you don’t have to be a member of the Green Party to show you care about politics and the planet.
What does it mean to be a Friend of Worcester Green Party?
- You support the Worcester Green Party with a £3.60 monthly donation (the price of a cup of coffee), so that we can tackle the inequality and climate crisis together,
- We send you a monthly supporters update.
What is the difference between being a Friend of Worcester Green Party and a Green party member?
- Friends are free to become members of other political parties.
- Friends cannot be members of internal Green Party committees or groups.
- Friends do not have voting rights at the Green Party conference or in other membership ballots.
Together, our Friends help us strengthen the voice of progressive Green leadership in Worcester. So, whoever you are, whatever matters to you, be a Friend. Because some things are more important than rosette colours.
To become a friend of Worcester Green Party, click the button below: