Mayor Louis Stephen’s cycling pledge

The city’s mayor has vowed to keep his carbon footprint as small as possible this year by using his bike to cycle to events.

Councillor Louis Stephen, elected the city’s first Green mayor earlier this month, promised to make most of the journeys during his 12-month stint as mayor using two wheels.

Louis said he wanted to “lead by example” during his mayorship and promote the physical as well as mental benefits of cycling.

“I’ve always used my bike and I try and travel using it whenever I can so I don’t see why the next 12 months should be any different,” he said.

“Obviously a lot of occasions will call for suits or fancier dress but I’m going to be trying my best to attend every duty I can by bike.

“There are a range of benefits to cycling when you can including the physical but just as importantly the mental health side and it even frees up some road space for people who do need to use a car.

“If you can use your bike then I think it’s a very good thing to do and so I want to be a leader and show people that if the mayor of Worcester is doing it, then so can you.”

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