To reduce car ownership and use active travel and public transport more, some people need a way to occasionally use a car or van without owning one. Car Clubs can be a solution.

Car clubs could:
- Provide an alternative, where travelling by foot or cycle is not possible, without the expense and hassle of car ownership.
- Help reduce pressure on public transport.
- Reduce the demands on parking in the Arboretum allowing more room for safe cycling and walking.
Enterprise Car Club already operates in Worcester, but we are working with them to see if an Arboretum Car Club could be set up. The resident parking scheme has reduced the parking problems in the Arboretum, but there are still issues with pavement parking, as there are too many cars in the area. A car club is one way to reduce the number of cars in the Arboretum.
If you would like to know more please come along to our public meeting Wednesday 10th November at 7:30pm in Worcester Baptist Church Hall. Please RSVP.
To register, follow this link:
All welcome.