clare wratten: candidate for rainbow hill & fort royal

I have enjoyed living in Worcester since 2015 with my partner Ian.
If elected, one of my top priorities will be to push for Worcester County Council’s carbon-neutral target to be brought forward from 2050 to 2030 as the former year will be too late.
Over the years, I’ve seen our community grow and evolve, and I believe we can achieve even more in the next four years. I will continue to build on the Greens’ success in increasing solar panel installations and improving cycling and walking infrastructure
These achievements help ease our traffic problem and also help achieve better air quality. Additionally, I’m eager to work on bringing back Park and Ride, to reduce congestion and make Worcester a cleaner, more accessible city.
If voters see fit to place their trust in me we can help keep up this momentum by voting for a party that is prepared to put the environment and local people first.