Please join us for an award winning nature film.
On Wednesday 4th September at 2pm, Worcester Green Party will hold a movie matinée at Diglis Basin Film Club
It is an opportunity to meet like minded Green Party supporters and enjoy a discussion during the interval where we will be serving refreshments cakes and scones with vegetarian and plant based options (These will be extra) as well as a chance to buy raffle tickets as this is also a fundraiser to support our County Election campaign due in May.
The picture and sound quality will be excellent as this private film club (Diglis Basin Film Club) was set up and is managed by an experienced sound engineer who is also a Green Party supporter.
Tickets for this event are £10 full price or £5 for unwaged supporters.
Please buy tickets in advance so we can arrange the catering.
Please note this is by arrangement with a private cinema club and so we are not allowed to use the film title or promote the film in any public forum or on social media unless it is a closed user group. Doing so could invalidate the club’s license.
For more information or to buy your tickets click on the button below: